Thursday, December 9, 2010

update on delilah and giveaways

Good evening!
 Well we took julie and delilah to post delivery appointment today and Julie is doing great! Delilah had a blood test to check Jaundice level and make sure it was coming down,we are awiting results now.She is a great eater and so pretty!She has the blood hemATOMA but dr. says that will drain quickly,it has made the jaundice worse...Maybe the test result will be good.Also miss Charlie mae went home today to mom and dad and new sister..We came home with some oranges and tangerines ,gift via

It was 14 degrees this morning at 7,i so dislike cold! so off to enter a few giveaways! enter them and good luck!


/ is givinag away a 25.oo GC to!ends dec 14th the tree giveaway skin md! is giving away footed pajamas!!!

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